Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Lake District

Note: This post has been updated on June 11, 2011 to include photos!

We arrived in Windermere on May 18th. Windermere is the largest natural lake in England and many people flock to the Lake District during summer time for some R&R.  For those of us in BC, you can easily relate the Lake District to the Okanagan.

Our hostel in the Lake District was very different - there wasn't anyone manning the reception or anyone to go to for questions. The hostel's reception consisted of a fax machine, envelopes and a safe to deposit your money. It basically operated by the honour system.  To use the internet, it was £1 for 30 minutes and to use the laundry machines, it was £3 for a wash & dry.  Our room had 2 bunk beds. The first 2 nights it was just Matt and I and this really nice Swedish fire fighter.  The next two nights we shared it with an older couple from Ontario.  While we were in Windermere, it was for the most part, rainy and overcast :(.  Nevertheless, we still managed to make the most of it.

On our first full day there, we decided to tackle a hike as the weather was sunny! Matt originally wanted to do this 19km hike to Helvellyn and I was begrudgingly onboard to participate.  But when I started to research the hike and realized that certain parts involved going on all 4's, my hesitant yes went to an immediate NO! We went to the tourism information booth and inquired on hikes as there are many in the area.  The tourist dude guy suggested the easiest route to Helvellyn which would take 2 hours to ascend up the mountain and 2 hours to descend.  While it was the easiest route, he failed to mention to ME that it was strictly uphill the entire 2 hours. Not only was it uphill, it was steep.  The terrain wasn't the best and in some parts was slippery due to the stream of water. While ascending up the mountain, my appreciation for sheep increased immensely. As I was trying to catch my breath while hiking my butt up this mountain, the sheep that surrounded me were essentially running to and fro with ease.  Never in my life before had I wished that I was a sheep until I was tackling that mountain.

As we ascended up the mountain (and yes, we even passed people on the way - go team go!), we met a man who was approaching his 80th birthday. Wow - talk about inspirational.  If he could do it, I definitely could do it! He was telling us how he attempted to do a hike to the summit of Helvellyn last year but it was too difficult so this year he was attempting this route.  I am pleased to say that on my way back down from the summit, I bumped into him as he was just about to reach the peak! Yeah! Congrats sir :)

So what's so special about Helvellyn?  Well, its 950 meters or 3,117 feet above sea level and is the 3rd highest peak in England. When you reach the peak, the view is beautiful (and cold and windy...but beautiful). It literally takes your breath away. I don't have the words to describe it - so hopefully I can upload pics shortly.

The descent down was much faster but way harder on the knees. For at least two days after the hike, Matt and I were sore from the waist down.  Butt, hamstrings, knees, calves and feet - but it was 100% worth it. 

The next few days in the Lake District we basically walked through Windermere, Bowness, Grasmere and Ambleside - towns which make up the Lake District area. These little towns (Windermere is the largest and the one we stayed in) are full of little cute shops, bakeries and local artisan products. Matt bought his first painting of the trip in Grasmere - a picture of Striding Edge which is visible from the summit of Helvellyn.  We looked at renting a boat for one of our days there and going down the lake, but the weather wasn't ideal, so we did what we did best - walk, walk and walk some more!

I'd definitely recommend a visit to the Lakes District if you are in England!


Base of our hike

View as we ascend the mountain

Higher up we go!

Getting there.

The scenery was beautiful! Perfect day for a hike.

An example of some of the terrain


View of Striding Edge from the summit of our hike.  To conquer Striding Edge, it involves at some points going on all 4's!

Another view from the summit

Grasmere, one of the towns in the Lake District is famous for its Gingerbread. Of course I had to buy it and try it...but I didn't think it lived up to the hype. I think my ginger molasses cookies can give Sarah Nelson a run for her money.

Cute shop set-up

Swans everywhere!

Lake Windermere

Town of Windemere

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