Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I'm Ready!

My bags are packed! My back pack currently weighs in at 45 pounds (1 pound over my limit already!). I am not sure how much my day pack/carry on weighs, but I still need to add a few things into it and there really isn't much room to play with!

Here's a photo taken from my iPod (camera is already packed hence poor quality photo).

I hope that everything that I need is in one of the two bags.  Tomorrow morning I need to quickly zip out of the house to cancel my car insurance and then it's off to the airport.  My best friend Deanna is driving my mom and myself to the airport, and my brother, sister in law and nieces are meeting me there to say our final "see you later's". 

The past week has been full of goodbyes.  The hardest one was tonight though as I said goodbye to my dad who has been in the hospital for the past 3 and a half weeks.  Thankfully he is improving quite remarkably and I felt much more comfortable and at ease saying "goodbye for now" knowing that he's on the road to recovery.

Another thing that I quickly did tonight was to prepare a "Living Will" and "Last Will and Testament".  It was Matt's idea originally and I also agreed that it would be smart to prepare.  After watching the news last night and hearing that Bin Laden had been killed, I am certain that the terrorist alerts will be at a peak level throughout most of Europe and should anything happen, I need to make things as easy as possible for my family.  I also registered with the Canadian Embassy so that they can get me out, should I be in a place where there is trouble.  Please pray for our safety while we travel abroad.  While we both have street smarts & common sense, there are certain things that are beyond our control and only God can help us through them :)

I am off to bed now in an attempt to get some sleep.  I feel quite relaxed right now and think that I can manage at least 5 hours of actual sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Have a fantastic trip you two!!

    I know that you will be safe and I look forward to seeing your updates!
